Monday, 5 May 2014

Breakout boards compared

Every few months a new breakout board appears and as ever I get one to see what it can do for me.

This is the first one not really used this much as it needs breadboard cable that had circular and not square pins although once you figured out which gpio is which on it it doesn't take up much space.

This has to be the daddy of them, out from the beginning the adafruit breakout board. Clips nicely onto a breadboard and each pin is clearly marked, certainly one of my favourites.

Same as the adafruit one but in red.

This t shaped one was a favourite for a while, unlike the adafruit one didn't take up to much valuable breadboard and has the benefits of putting power down the power rails on the side.

Not had much of a play with this one yet, needs a mini breadboard in it but other than that has potential and you could add an arduino board to it.

This is another adafruit board with the options if screwing in wires as well as plugging in wires. Has semi prototyping but with a breadboard stuck on it it is ideal for travel, another one of my favourites and probably will design a circuit on this before using the humble pi board to solder the parts to.

As you will see this week I reviewed this one from raspio, brilliant as it protects your pi with zenor diode type fuses. Sits on top of the pi or use an extension cable, this one we be good to see with the previous plate above as then you can have the best of both worlds a mini breakout area and fuse protected gpio s.

So which one so I pick? Adafruit breakout has been round long enough and is a firm favourite on many of my projects. The adafruit prototype breakout means everything is together and the Raspio means its protected against any nasty power surges or short circuits. So really I can't pick any out of these three, but if Raspio made a prototype board like the adafruit one with fuses then I know which one I would then pick.

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