Sunday, 9 March 2014

Pibot part one

Firstly this will be an on going project but for starters I at least now have something to work with.

Firstly I had to solder two wires to each of the two motors before adding wheels and tracks to the zumo chassis. After attaching 6v of AA batteries to the chassis I ran a pair of wires from here to the power in on the 4tronix MicRoCon board and added all the wires as seen in picture.

Next was to download the files from 4tronix github and here I found running the python motor script that one wire had detached from near side motor, so this had to be re soldered on.

Next was to try the scratch script and this was where I tumbled, I needed to download scratch gpio 5 by cymplecy at  follow the instructions, reboot and start scratch gpio then the scratch motors script and now I was able to control the pibot with just the arrow keys on the bluetooth keyboard.

But this wasn't enough for first pibot project I had to add the neo pixel ring for some bling.

Next up will be to add a smaller usb battery for pi, have a nice 2000 mah one on order, a case to fit pi in place, camera and laser and possibly line sensor and ultrasonics.

I also will need to look at being able to control the pibot over the Internet via a webpage and even at that point and possibly a bigger robot a GPS.

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