Sunday, 29 September 2013

Busy raspberry pi weekend

Busy weekend, started building a piduino and weather lcd display on some humble pi k001 boards. Still got some work to do on them.

Next up was a pn532 board, although it couldn't read my works ID card it could read my credit cards rfid. Just need to get my other two rfid boards running then  I could have a cloner/emulator.

Then was the 8x8 led board which following video got it working, so have now ordered a second one.

Lastly was my 2.8" TFT touchscreen I bought off eBay from texy in thatcham. Never got this working before but after a few hours tonight it was soon working but found once it powered down I would lose the screen again so hopefully I will get that sorted soon, although I followed the instructions, something must be missing somewhere, oh well.

One more thing was the ledborg on my server pi can now change the light by ssh so can light up my hallway in the colour I feel like.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Bourton wander

Today we went for a walk near Swindon, place called bourton. Weather was fine till we got there then a very fine drizzle for a while which was nice in the 20c heat.

All caches were easy to find covering just under five miles in an hour and half.  The puzzle cache with padlock had been broken which was a shame, so I tried to repair it the best I could. On the way to the next one we disturbed a deer in the field which bounded off.  Later on we had trouble at shiny getting the logbook out which someone had jammed in and was unretrievable so marked the logbook with my green pen and let the owners know.

A lot of the footpaths around this bit were unmarked and guess work was required, but all in all a nice series for me and frodo  and signed in as team text tftc

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Raspberry pi stuff

So with a weekend looking poor, between sleeping I decided to mess around with my raspberry pi s.

First project was the rfid module, although it detected my work ID and showed this through the blinking led I soldered to it as an unoffical mod that was as far as I got.

Next up I got my raspberry usb power supply up and running 4 usb sockets with one at 1.1amp for the pi. The power supply is 5v 3amp so copes well like my other usb power supply and this takes less than 3 watts of power according to the lcd electric monitor we have in the kitchen equating to about a penny an hour dead cheap compared to my huge psu to run loads of pi a running in at 20 watts.

Next up was piglow and now I have it working, after looking at various scripts and playing with them all I eventually made an emergency flashing blue/red strobe.

Lastly out came the old ledborg which I have since ordered a second and this sits on my piserver to show CPU usage.

If anyone can help me with the rfid 630 that would be grateful especially if in python.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Marcham series

Out to finish the second half with frodo today although I got many ftf s on the first half. The series took us past many caches we had done in the past bringing back many memories there was even a cache named after me which I got ftf on.

Although we did these mid morning it was already mid 20 s and very hot. Maybe the cache owners will expand and make this series the Marcham 200 series TFTc s a great series.